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Portal:Complex Systems Digital Campus/E-Laboratory on human trace

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E. laboratory on Human trace. Logo 2018

[Newscasts : "Ichnos Anthropos, Le carnet de recherche de ’Homme-trace": https://onhumantrace.hypotheses.org]


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The laboratory on Human-Trace-Complex System Digital Campus UNESCO echoes that of any laboratory research: various themes grouped together by teams. The added value of a grouping around the notion of trace consists of the provision of these contributions in a single identified web space which aims to promote:

• Epistemological issues;

• The emergence of a new collective intelligence of the trace;

• The conceptualization of interpretation processes to implement risk prevention and management in order to consider relevant remediation;

• Sustainable development for humans, located in a complex vision that puts a human face on their responsibilities. This implies that they can make informed choices between solutions, often in contradictory tension between simplifying rational modeling to facilitate action and with respect to the complexity that confronts humans with the limits of their reason.

The scientific objective is to show how the issue of trace and its interpretation refers to complex processes, in the perspective of Complex System Digital Campus UNESCO UniTwin. This scientific objective leads to a strengthening of prevention of multiscale risks and contributes to the development of cooperation between the various regions of the world. Consideration of inter-cultural and inter consistent discipline is likely to support research for a long time for the individual as well as social protection of the human species.

Video on the CS-DC’15 first world conference Galinon-Mélénec Béatrice, The Explosion of questions posed by the traces: an answer in the paradigm of the HumanTrace (Arizona, USA, 2015)http://www.sup-numerique.gouv.fr/pid33288/moteur-des-ressources-pedagogiques.html?ressourceUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sup-numerique.gouv.fr%2Fressources-pedagogiques%2Fnotice%2Fview%2Foai%25253Acanal-u.fr%25253A20031

News on : Ichnos Anthropos: https://onhumantrace.hypotheses.org


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2.1 Short name of the e-laboratory

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e-Laboratory on HUMAN-TRACE DC

2.2 Long name of the e-laboratory

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Le carnet de recherches de L'Homme-trace (hypotheses.org)=== 2.3 Website and/or Wiki of the e-laboratory ===

Website Right (in French)

Wiki (in English)

2.4 Director / Founder: Pr. Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec

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Pr. Béatrice GALINON-MELENEC, Ph.D. in Education Sciences from Sorbonne University, Paris (1988), Professor of Communication at Normandie University - Le Havre, France. Author or co-author of many books, among them: "L'Homme trace, Perspectives anthropologiques des traces humaines contemporaines" (editor and co-author, CNRS, 2011), "Traces numériques, De la production à l’interprétation" (co- éditor and co-author CNRS, 2013), "Traces, Ecritures, Cultures, Identités" co- éditor and co-author, CNRS, 2015)..

E-Mail: mailto:beatrice.galinon-melenec@univ-lehavre.fr, mailto:galinon@free.fr
Website (in French) Ichnosanthropos
Institution: Normandie University - Le Havre(Program in French).

2.5 Deputy Director: Pr. Sylvie Leleu-Merviel

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Pr. Sylvie LELEU-MERVIEL, PhD in Computer Science, Professor Information and Communication Sciences, She is the author of Digital creation: interactive writings-experiments (in French, Paris: Lavoisier/Hermès, 2005) and of: Rationalizing the human being: qualification, quantification (in French, Paris: Lavoisier/Hermès, 2008).

2.6 Contact for the e-laboratory

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E-Mail: beatrice.galinon-melenec@univ-lehavre.fr
or galinon@free.fr


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3.1 Co-directors Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec and Sylvie Leleu-Merviel

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Prof. Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, co-director Hainaut Cambressis University/Valenciennes, sylvie.merviel@univ-valenciennes.fr

Prof. Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec, co-director, founding chairwoman, Normandie University/Le Havre; beatrice.galinon-melenec@univ-lehavre.fr

3.2 Co-deputy directors

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Prof. Pascale Ezan, Normandie University/Le Havre; pascale.ezan@univ-lehavre.fr

Prof. Hafida Boulekbache Hainaut Cambressis University/Valenciennes ; Hafida.Boulekbache@univ-valenciennes.fr

3.3 Communication and editorial pole director

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Dr. Sami Zlitni, Normandie University/Le Havre; sami.zlitni@univ-lehavre.fr

3.4 Complexity pole directors

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Prof. Cyrile Bertelle, Institut des Systèmes Complexes (ISCN), https://iscn.univ-lehavre.fr/category/research/unesco/; cyrille.bertelle@univ-lehavre.fr

Prof. Joël Colloc, Normandie University/ Le Havre; joel.colloc@univ-lehavre.fr


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(Interview with Prof. GALINON-MELENEC, Chair 2014-2017)

4.1. What was your initial objective? The aim was to move away from the referent approach of the notion of ill-defined trace, by deconstructing its use according to discipline, by bringing out the corresponding taxonomies and highlighting the complexity of the notion of trace; to do this by means of a progressive approach, going from pluridisciplinarity to interdisciplinarity, then from interdisciplinarity to transdisciplinarity. To achieve this, several short-term and long-term objectives were set: - moving from exploratory research (at a high level with CNRS publications L’Homme trace T. I, 2011 and L’Homme-trace T. II, 2013) to reinforcing scientific coordination on the question of trace both nationally and internationally, - integrating human and social sciences within an interdisciplinary project with other disciplines, - promoting national and international collaborative research based on the theme of the trace and encouraging scientific mediation through good visibility on the Web.

4.2. What results have there been over the three years? If we’re talking about results in editorial terms, we can cite several publications from laboratories associated with the question of the Laboratory on Human Trace CS DC UNESCO:

1. The ICHNOS-ANTHROPOS line of research, run by B. Galinon-Mélénec with support from the L’Homme-trace series edited by B. Galinon-Mélénec at CNRS éditions (http://www.cnrseditions.fr/sociologie-ethnologie-anthropologie/7209-l-homme-trace.html);

2. The EPISTRACE line of research, run by Sylvie Leleu Merviel, with support since 2017 from the creation of the journal “Traces” edited by S. Leleu-Merviel at Iste (https://www.openscience.fr/Traces); Book : https://iste-editions.fr/products/la-traque-informationnelle

3. The TRACES-NUM line of research, run jointly by Sami Zlitni produced ZLITNI, S., LIENARD, F., (ed.), Traces numériques: de la présence à l’oubli, Revue internationale NETCOM, vol.26, n°1-2, 144 p. and by: GALINON-MELENEC, B. & ZLITNI, S. (ed.), Traces numériques: de la production à l’interprétation, CNRS éditions, 290 p. Since 2017, this line of research has received support from the creation of the Communication et trace numérique collection, edited by Sami Zlitni and Fabien Liénard at Presses Universitaires de Rouen et Le Havre (PURH);

4. The COM ELECT line of research, run jointly by Fabien Liénard, Sami Zlitni, with support from: LIENARD, F. & ZLITNI, S. (2016, ed.), Médias numériques et communication électronique, Actes de colloque, Bruges, 1020 p. and de ZLITNI, S. & LIENARD, F. (2015, éd.), Electronic Communication. Political, Social and Educational Uses, Bern, Peter Lang, 203 p.

5. The MEMORY, HERITAGE AND COMMUNICATION line of research, run jointly by Paul Rasse, Nicolas Pélissier, Linda Idjéraoui-Ravez, with support from: Idjéraoui-Ravez L., Pélissier N., (2014), Quand les traces communiquent. Culture, patrimoine, médiatisation de la mémoire, L’Harmattan, 254 p.( http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/catalogue/couv/aplat/9782343046402.pdf).

6. The TRACK (TRAces-Complex Knowledge) line of research, run jointly by Alain Mille, with support from: Alain Mille, (ed.), De la trace à la connaissance à l’ère du Web, Intellectica, n°59/1/ (http://intellectica.org/fr/numeros/de-la-trace-la-connaissance-l-ere-du-web)

7. HERISCRIPT/ HERITage/SCRIPt/Traces: line of research, run jointly by Hafida Boulekbache Khaldoun Zreik; seminars: http://europia.fr/HIS5/; http://europia.fr/HIS4/; http://his3.hyperheritage.org.

8. COREMT (COgnition/REMediation/Traces) line of research run jointly by Joël Colloc, Jaronson, Med Hedi Bedoui, Michele Molina: with support from: Joël Colloc and Peter Summons. An approach of the process of addiction: A model of the experience. 29th Int Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden- Baden, number Vol 1, pages 103-107. IIAS, 2017. Joël Colloc. A fuzzy vectorial space that avoids defuzzifying the membership functions. In Paulo 
J.S. Gonçalves, editor, ESM'2017 The 2017 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, 
pages 13-24. EUROSIS, October 2017. 

9. Others: https://rightunivlehavre.wordpress.com/actualites/ https://rightunivlehavre.wordpress.com/ichnosanthropos/chercheurs-etrangers/

4.3. What actions are you planning to take for the 2017-18 academic year to enhance visibility of the Laboratory on Human Trace Complex System Unitwin CS DC UNESCO that you run? Up till now, the “Digital campus” part of the laboratory – with the exception of a video recorded on 1st October 2015 during the worldwide Unitwin Unesco conference on complex systems (http://cs-dc-15.org/) and broadcast online by Sup numérique.gouv in their online “self-learning” section, was underdeveloped, through a lack of resources with regard to manpower, time and technical support. As I was approaching my retirement (2018), the decision was taken to ask Sylvie Leleu-Merviel to take over the co-direction of the Laboratory on Human Trace and she accepted. This proposition was all the more evident to me as she founded a journal entitled “Traces” at Iste éditions which can be accessed in open source freely and internationally and should make it possible to lend support to the “digital campus” dimension of the courses on the notion of Trace.

4.4. 2017-2020: A new management team? In the spring of 2017, together with Sylvie Leleu-Meviel, we intend to expand the management team by associating scientists (from Le Havre University and Valenciennes University) who have worked in those lines of research and who have already invested in the dynamic: - at Le Havre: Sami Zlitni (co-coordinator of TRACESNUM), Joel Colloc (co-coordinator of COREMT), Pascale Ezan (co-coordinator of CONSUMER’S TRACES); - at Valenciennes: Hafida Boulekbache (co-coordinator of HERISCRIPT (buildings, urban, cities and images).


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Maude Bonenfant; Benoit Cordelier: UQAM, Québec University, Montreal, Canada: bonenfant.maude@uqam.ca; cordelier.benoit@UQAM.CA

Mohamed Bedoui: LTIM, Faculty of Medicine, Monastir, Tunisia: medhedi.bedoui@fmm.rnu.tn

Tyler Reigeluth: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium: tyler.reigeluth@ulb.ac.be

Maria-Giulia Dondero: Université de Liège, Belgium: mariagiulia.dondero@ulg.ac.be

Gilles Gautier: Université Laval, Québec, Canada: Gilles.Gauthier@com.ulaval.ca

Peter Brown: Australian National University, Australia: Peter.Brown@anu.edu.au

Sung Do KIM: Université de Koryo, Korea: dodo@korea.ac.kr

Ioan Dragan: Université de Bucarest, Roumania: ioan.dragan@sas.unibuc.ro

Khaldoun Zreik: Université de Paris-8", France : kz@zreik.fr

Massimo Leone: Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy: massimo.leone@unito.it

Christian Papilloud: Martin-Luther-Universität, Institut für Soziologie, 06099 Halle (Saale): christian.papilloud@soziologie.uni-halle.de

Hadi Saba Ayon: Federal University of Acre (UFAC), Brazil: hadisabaayon79@gmail.com

Alain Durand: University of Arizona, USA: adurand@email.arizona.edu

Janine E. Aronson: University of Georgia, USA: jaronson@uga.edu

Patrick-Yves Badillo: Medi@LAB/Genève, Switzerland: pybadillo@gmail.com

Bruno Ollivier; Anne Pajard: Université des Antilles, France: ollivierbruno@gmail.com; scduag@gmail.com

Peter Summons: University of Newcastle, Australia: peter.summons@newcastle.edu.au

Claire Scopsi: Le CNAM, Ile de France, Paris, France: claire.scopsi@lecnam.net

Louise Merzeau: Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, Ile de France, Paris, France (died on july 15, 2017): http://merzeau.net

Armelle Jacquet-Andrieu: Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, Ile de France, Paris, France: armelle-jacquet@orange.fr

David Douyère: Université de Tours, Tours, France: david.douyere@univ-tours.fr

Annick Monseigne; Gino Gramaccia; Frank Cormerais; Valerie Carayol; Anne Geslin; Bernard Lafargue; Cecile Croce; Alain Mons; Patrick Baudry: MICA, Bordeaux 3 University, France: annick.monseigne@iut.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr; gino.gramaccia@u-bordeaux1.fr; Valerie.Carayol@u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr; anne.geslin-beyaert@u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr; Patrick.Baudry@u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr; Bernard.Lafargue@u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr; cecile.croce@iut.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr; alain.mons@u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr;

Michèle Molina; Karine Martel; Coralie Sann; Hervé LeCrosnier: Normandie Université, Caen, France: michele.molina@unicaen.fr; karine.martel@unicaen.fr; coralie.sann@unicaen.fr; herve.lecrosnier@unicaen.fr;

Olivier Sirost; Maryvonne Holzem; Michel Lesourd; Bernard Elissalde: Normandie Université, Rouen, France: olivier.sirost@univ-rouen.fr; Maryvonne.holzem@univ-rouen.fr; michel.lesourd@univ-rouen.fr; elissalde@univ-rouen.fr

François Jouen: Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, Paris, France: francois.jouen@ephe.sorbonne.fr

Hervé Le Crosnier: Normandie Université, Caen, France:

Pascale Ezan: NIMEC, Normandie Université, Le Havre, France

Alain Mille; Antoine Champin; Amelie Cordier: UMR CNRS 5205 LIRIS, Team SILEX, Lyon University, France: antoine.champin@liris.cnrs.fr; amelie.cordier@liris.cnrs.fr; alain.mille@univ-lyon1.fr

Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec; Fabien Liénard; Sami Zlitni; Daiana Dula; Zeineb Touati; Christelle Crumiere; Joel Colloc; Christian Chevandier; Benjamin Steck; Philippe Vidal; Marc Bernardot: UMR IDEES, Normandie Université, le Havre, France: beatrice.galinon@univ-lehavre.fr; fabien.lienard@univ-lehavre.fr; sami.zlitni@univ-lehavre.fr; daiana.dula@univ-rouen.fr; touatibz@univ-lehavre.fr; christelle.crumiere@free.fr; joel.colloc@univ-lehavre.fr; christian.chevandier@univ-lehavre.fr; benjamin.steck@univ-lehavre.fr; philippe.vidal@univ-lehavre.fr; marc.bernardot@univ-lehavre.fr and cyberns@wanadoo.fr

Adrian Staii: Université Jean-Moulin, Lyon 3, France: adrian.staii@univ-lyon3.fr

Fabienne Martin Juchat; Julien Pierre: GRESEC, Grenoble 3, France: fabienne.martin-juchat@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr; julien@idnum.net

Benoit Testé; Nadia Lepastourel: Université de Rennes 2, France: Benoit.teste@univ-rennes2.fr; Nadia.lepastourel@unv-rennes2.fr

Olivier Ertzcheid: Université de Nantes, France: olivier.ertzscheid@univ-nantes.fr

Fanny Georges: Université Paris 3, France: fanny.georges@univ-paris3.fr

Bernard Andrieu: TEC, Université Paris Descartes, France: bernard.andrieu@parisdescartes.fr

Linda Ravez; Paul Rasse; Nicolas Pelissier: I3M, Nice Sophia Antipolis University and Toulon University, France: Linda.Idjeraoui-Ravez@unice.fr; rasse@unice.fr; nicolas.pelissier@unice.fr

Francis Jaureguiberry: Université de Pau, UPPA, France: francis.jaureguiberry@univ-pau.fr

Veronique Thomas-Vaslin: INSERM, Paris, France: veronique.thomas-vaslin@upmc.fr

Pierre Moret: Traces, Toulouse-Le Mirail University, France: moret@univ-tlse2.fr

Yves Jeanneret; Veronique Richard; Emmanuel Souchier; Pauline Chasseray-Peraldi: Paris-IV Sorbonne University, France: veronique.richard@paris-sorbonne.fr; emmanuel.souchier@celsa.paris-sorbonne.fr; yvjeanneret@gmail.com; pauline.chasseray.peraldi@gmail.com

Anne-Marie Laulan; Jacques Perriault: Institut de la communication du CNRS, ISCC, Paris, France: amlaulan@orange.fr; Jacques.perriault@gmail.com

Paul Laurent Assoun: Université Jussieu Paris7, France: paullaurent.assoun@gmail.com

Yves Winkin: CNAM, Paris, France: yves.winkin@cnam.fr

Paul Bourgine: Co-fondateur, UNITWIN COMPLEX SYSTEM UNESCO: paul.bourgine@polytechnique.edu

Sylvie Leleu-Merviel; Hafida Boulekbache: De VISU, Université de Valenciennes, France: sylvie.merviel@univ-valenciennes.fr; Hafida.Boulekbache@univ-valenciennes.fr

Jacques Walter: CREM, Université de Metz, France: jacques.walter@univ-lorraine.fr

Bertrand Cadeboche: Chair International Communication and UniTwin ORBICOM UNESCO, Grenoble 3, France: bertrand.cabedoche@u-grenoble3.fr

Michel Marcoccia: Université de Troyes, France: Michel.marcoccia@utt.fr

Jean-Jacques Boutaud; Pascal Lardellier; Gilles Brachotte; Alex Frame; Stephane Dufour; Clementine Hugo-Gential: Bourgogne University, France: Jean-Jacques.Boutaud@u-bourgogne.fr; pascal.lardellier@u-bourgogne.fr; gilles.brachotte@u-bourgogne.fr; aframe@u-bourgogne.fr; stephane.dufour@u-bourgogne.fr; Clementine.Hugol-Gential@u-bourgogne.fr


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  • UQAM, Public relations and marketing communications, Quebec University, Montreal, Canada

Website in French Website in English
Contact: Benoit Cordelier
Research topic: THE TRACES OF HOMO LUDENS (Traces and gaming habits in the digital space)
Research coordinator: Maude Bonenfant, director of the Homo Ludens research group on the gaming and communication habits in the digital space (UQAM) & Co-director of the Research group on daily information and surveillance
Contact: Bonenfant Maude

  • LTIM (Technology and Imaging Laboratory), Faculty of Medicine Monastir, Tunisia

Website in French
Director: Prof. Mohamed Hedi BEDOUI
Contact: Mohamed Hedi Bedoui

  • UMR CNRS 6266 IDEES (Identités et Différenciations de l’Environnement des Espaces et des Sociétés), Normandie Université, France

French Website of the Laboratory
Director :Michel BUSSI Biography in French

N. B.:The roots of Human-Trace-DC-CS-UNESCO are within the Human-trace team of UMR IDEES.
Contact: Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec

  • UMR CNRS 5205 LIRIS, Team SILEX, Lyon University, France

Website in French
Directors of SILEX Team: Dr. Amélie Cordier, Dr. Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN .
Research topic: DIGITAL TRACES Several researchers LIRIS participated in two volumes of the series The Human-trace published by CNRS Editions (2011, 2013) and several LIRIS researchers took part as individuals in the work of Human-Trace-DC. The integration of the whole laboratory is in progress. Contact: Pierre-Antoine Champin

  • EA 4701 DYSOLA Laboratory of Language Sciences, Sociology and Anthropology, University of Rouen/Normandie Université, France

Director: Pr. Foued Laroussi
List of Members of the Laboratoryin French.
Several Dysola researchers took part as individuals in the work of Human-Trace-DC.
Contacts: Foued Laroussi; Fabien Liénard

  • EA 4108 LITIS, Normandie University (Rouen, Le Havre), France

Director: Pr. Thierry Paquet
Director LITIS- Le Havre: Pr. Damien OLIVIER
Website in French
Several LITIS researchers participated in two volumes of the series The Human-trace published by CNRS Editions (2011, 2013).
Contact: Damien Olivier

  • EA 4177 CIMEOS, Bourgogne University, Team 3S (Sensoriel, Sensible, Symbolique), Dijon, France

Director team 3S: Pr. Jean-Jacques BOUTAUD
Site Web
This team participated in the "Human-trace: anthropological perspectives".
Contact: Jean-Jacques Boutaud

  • EA 3476 CREM (Centre de recherche sur les médiations), Lorraine University, France

Director: Pr. Jacques Walter WALTER
Contact: Pr. Jacques Walter Walter

  • EA 608 GRESEC (Groupe de Recherche sur les Enjeux de la Communication), Grenoble 3, France

Director: Pr. Isabelle PAILLIART
Website in French/
Research topic: TRACES IN PUBLIC SPACE. Contact: Isabelle Pailliart

  • UMR CNRS 5603 SET, Pau/ UPPA University, France

Website in French
Director : Pr. Francis JAURREGUIBERRY

  • UMR CNRS 5608 T.R.A.C.E.S. (Travaux et Recherches Archéologiques sur les Cultures, les Espaces et les Sociétés), Toulouse-Le Mirail University, France.

Director UMR: Pr. Pierre Moret

  • EA 3820 I3M, Nice Sophia Antipolis, University and Toulon University, France

Director: Prof. Paul RASSE
Website in French
I3M jointly organized the International Symposium "Traces, memory and communication", Bucharest, 2011 (Including the call for papers launched by the Human-track team of Le Havre).
Contact: Dr. Linda Idjéraoui – Ravez

  • EA 1498 GRIPIC, Paris IV Sorbonne University, France

Director: Pr. Adeline WRONA
Website in French
Several GRIPIC researchers participated in two volumes of the series The Human-Trace published by CNRS Editions (2011, 2013) and several GRIPIC researchers took part as individuals in the work of Human-Trace-DC. The integration of the whole laboratory is in progress.
Contact: Pr. Emmanuel Souchier

  • EA 4426 MICA, Bordeaux 3 University, France

Director: Pr. Valerie Carayol
Website in French
Research coordinator on traces: Franck Cormerais
Research topic: ART AND EMOTIONAL TRACES (AREMT) project of Pr. Bernard LAFARGUE
Contact: Bernard Lafargue
Research topic: TRACES AND NAMES IN MEMORIALS (TRANIMEN) project of Pr. Anne GESLIN.
Contact: Anne Geslin

  • EA-4262 IRSIC (Institut de Recherche en Sciences de l’Information et de Communication), Aix-Marseille Université, France

Director: Pr. Françoise Bernard
Website in French
Contact: Françoise Bernard

  • Groupe NU, Normandie Université (Caen, Rouen, Le Havre), France

Website in French
Research topic: DIGITAL TRACES
Several NU researchers participated in two volumes of the series The Human-Trace published by CNRS Editions (2011, 2013) and several NU researchers took part as individuals in the work of Human-Trace-DC.
Contact: Dr HDR Maryvonne Holzem

  • EA 4649 PALM (Psychologie des Actions Langagières et Motrices), MRSH, ModeSCo (Modélisation en Sciences Cognitives), Normandie Université/Caen, France

Director: Pr. Michèle Molina
Website in French
Research topic: Traces and cognitive development in children
Contact: Michèle Molina

  • Medi@LAB, Genève University, Switzerland

Director: Pr. Patrick-Yves Badillo
Website in French
Research topic: INTERACTIONS TRACES AND "INNOVATION AND SOCIAL MEDIA" "media concentration" "e-media, e-learning"
Contact: Pr. Patrick-Yves Badillo

  • TEC Techniques et Enjeux du Corps, Université Paris V Descartes

Director: Luc Collard
Website in French
Research topic: Traces of the body
Contact: Luc Collard

  • EA 3832 CETAPS (Centre d'Etude et des Transformations des Activités Physiques et Sportives), Rouen

Director: Olivier Sirost
Deputy director: Régis Thouvarecq
Website in French
Research topic: Traces of sporting activity in the body
Contact: Olivier Sirost

  • UMR 8053 CRPLC (Pôle Martinique), Centre de Recherche sur les Pouvoirs Locaux dans la Caraïbe

Website in French
Research topic: Traces, personal and collective identities
Contact: Bruno Ollivier

  • PRIM (Pratiques et ressources de l'information et des médiations) Université de Tours/ComUe Université Confédérale Léonard de Vinci

Director: David Douyère
Website in French
Research topic: Information/Mediation on the notion of Traces
Contact: David Douyere


Director: Thomas-Vaslin Véronique

Website in English: https://immunocomplexit.wordpress.com/members/

Research topic: “Corps-trace”

Contact: veronique.thomas-vaslin@upmc.fr


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Team ICHNOS-ANTHROPOS (Since 2009)

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Long name
Human-trace paradigm
Short name
Website (Summary in French) http://www.cnrs.fr/inshs/recherche/librairie/705.htm
Person responsible
Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec Contact
Results to be shared
Galinon-Mélénec B., From “Sign-Traces” to “Human- Trace”. The Production and Interpretation of Traces from an Anthropological Perspective, in Intellectica, 2013/1 n°59 pp. 89-113 for original version published in French. Version in English: Laura Brown, Hong- Kong, 2013.

Team TRACES (2009-2010)

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Long name
Emergence of a transdisciplinary definition of the notion of trace
Short name
Website(in French)
Person responsible
Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec Contact & Sylvie Leleu-Merviel Contact

Galinon-Mélénec B. The future of the "Homme-Trace": a substantial societal challenge, Netcom 28-1/2 (2014)
http://netcom.revues.org/1554 (Summary in French and in English)
Galinon-Mélénec B. From "Sign-Traces" to "Human-Trace"
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00935346 :
Galinon-Mélénec B. The "Signe-Trace paradigm. Fragments"
Leleu-Merviel S. On the relevance of percolation theory to the acquisition of human skills :


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Long name
Short name
Expected duration
Short description
COREMT-HUMAN-TRACE/DC is the culmination of a history of several years. It is based on an interdisciplinary dynamics that began in 2009. The COREMT-HUMAN-TRACE/DC is located in an objective Prevention, Education and Remediation to support health and social policies for people with mental disabilities to consider social inclusion and / or work.
Since 2014, this project is coordinated by Pr. Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec and by Pr. Joel Colloc responsible of "Télémédecine et addictions" under the thematic e-santé of GDR STIC-Santé.
Laboratory foreign partner "Laboratory Technology and Imaging LTIM * LR12ES06 * Pr. Mohamed Hedi Bedoui, Faculty of Medicine of Monastir (Tunisia).
Results to be shared
Colloc J., Summons P. Recherche en imagerie et technologie de la santé (in French) http://www.rits2015.fr/
Colloc J.(dir.) “E-santé et addictions » in« Télémédecine et Addictions », GDR STIC-Santé , 2013
Bedoui M. (dir.) Exploration cérébrale par le signal et l'image in Applications médicales de l'informatique : nouvelles approches, Septieme workshop amina 2014, novembre 2014, Faculté de médecine de Monastir, Tunisie.
Galinon-Mélénec B., « Mental handicap and remediation. Proposals and hypotheses » https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00957569
Galinon-Mélénec B.(2012) Human-Trace & Sign-trace. Two New Paradigms put on the test : Mental Handicap et recruitement, Translation by L. Kraftowitz, original version in French (2012), ROUEN Klog éditions, 115 p.

Team TRACES-NUM (Since 2010)

[edit | edit source]

Long name
Short name
Websites (in French)
People responsible
Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec (Contact), Cyrille Bertelle (Contact), Sami Zlitni (Contact), Fabien Liénard (Contact)
Results to be shared
Liénard F. & Zlitni S.(coord.),(2012) Digital traces: from actual presence to oblivion (in French) Revue internationale NETCOM, volume 26, n° 1-2, 144 p.
Galinon-Mélénec B., Zlitni S. (2013), DIGITAL TRACKS: PRODUCTION at INTERPRETATION, (in French) Paris, CNRS EDITIONS, 292 p.

Team COM-ELECT (Since 2011)

[edit | edit source]

Long name
Communication électronique
Short name
Website in French
Person responsible
Fabien Liénard (Contact)
Results to be shared
Fabien L. (éd.), (2013) CULTURE, IDENTITY AND DIGITAL WRITING, Epistémè 9, Revue internationale de sciences humaines et sociales appliquées, Séoul : Université Korea - Center for Applied Cultural Studies. La communication Electronique en questions.
Zlitni S. & Liénard F. (éd.), (2013) LA COMMUNICATION ELECTRONIQUE EN QUESTION, ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS IN QUESTION Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2013. VIII, 402 p.


[edit | edit source]

Long name
Memory, Heritage and Communication
People responsible
Linda Idjéraoui – Ravez (contact Linda.Idjeraoui-Ravez@unice.fr ), Nicolas Pelissier, Paul Rasse
Results to be shared
Idjeraoui-Ravez L., PELISSIER N. (dir) (2014) QUAND LES TRACES COMMUNIQUENT, Paris, L’Harmattan

Team TRACK (Since 2011)

[edit | edit source]

Long name
Short name
There is no specific web site for the TRACK e-lab project. The best view on its work can be found at http://liris.cnrs.fr/equipes?id=44 (Thème 1, in French)
Person responsible
Alain Mille (Contact)

Team TRACES OF THE BODY (Since 2015)

[edit | edit source]

Long name
Annual Research Day about the Traces of the Body
Short name
Traces of the body
People responsible:
Bernard Andrieu (Contact) et Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec (Contact)


[edit | edit source]

Long name
Géographie-traces-système complexes
Short name
Person responsible
Bernard Elissalde

Team AREMT (Since 2014)

[edit | edit source]

Long name
Art and Emotional Traces
Short name
Person responsible
Cecile Croce (contact)

Team TRACTTEMED (Since 2015)

[edit | edit source]

Long name
TRAces, Cultures, TEchnology, Territories and MEditerranean Diversity
Short name
Person responsible Françoise Bernard


[edit | edit source]

Long name
(Traces and gaming habits in the digital space)
Short name
Person responsible
Maude Bonenfant (Contact)
Biography in French

Team HERISCRIPT/ HERITage/SCRIPt/Traces (Since 2015)

[edit | edit source]

Long name
Short name
Buildings, urban, cities and images (Axis in development)
Person responsible
Hafida Boulekbache-Mazouz (Contact)
(Biography in French)


[edit | edit source]

Réseau ImmunoComplexiT (RNSC) Person responsible: Thomas-Vaslin Véronique Biography in English https://www.i3-immuno.fr/en/#People/VTV Members: https://immunocomplexit.wordpress.com/about/supports/

Team CONSUMER'S TRACES (since 2017)

[edit | edit source]

Person responsible: Pascale Ezan Contact: pascale.ezan@univ-lehavre.fr


[edit | edit source]

University of Newcastle
Peter SUMMONS professor in education, University of Newcastle, See his biography in English.

Université de Liège
Maria-Giulia DONDERO, semiotician, (traces sémiotique visuelle) general coordinative of the magazine about semiology Signata, Université de Liège, See his biography in French.

Sung Do KIM, Professor of Semiotics and Culture Contents, Inha University, Incheon, S. Korea
Seung Kuk BAIK, Assistant Professor of Culture Contents, Semiotics, and Cultural studies Culture Contents department & Culture Management of Inha University, Incheon, S. Korea

Università degli Studi di Torino
Massimo LEONE, Philosophy, Semiotic, PhD in Religious Studies, PhD in Art History, Università degli Studi di Torino, See his biography in French

UQAM Université du Québec à Montréal Pr. Benoit CORDELIER, Professor of Information ans Communication Sciences, UQAM.
Pr. Maude BONENFANT, Director of the Homo Ludens research group on the gaming and communication habits in the digital space (UQAM) See her biography in English
Université Laval/Quebec Pr. Gilles GAUTHIER, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, Université Laval/Quebec, See his biography in English.

Université de Genève
Pr. PY. BABILLO, Professor in Economics and Information and Communication Sciences, Directeur de media.lab,Université de Genève. See his biography in French.

Montfort university-Leicester
Dr. Aladdin AYESH, Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, Serious game, Montfort University-Leicester, See his biography in English.

The University of Georgia
Pr. Janine E. ARONSON, Professor of Management Information Systems. The University of Georgia, See her biography in English.
The University of Arizona
Dr. Alain-Philippe DURAND, Director of the School of International Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (SILLC) at the University of Arizona. , See her biography in English.


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To find French researchers wishing to be contacted to collaborate on projects, click here (list in French not updated since 2014).


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N.B. This list has not been updated.

Please post your publications on the trace by sending references to: mailto:galinon@free.fr

9.1 Understanding the paradigm of Human-trace

[edit | edit source]
  1. GALINON-MELENEC, B. (dir.), (2011), L'Homme trace, Perspectives anthropologiques des traces humaines contemporaines, Paris, Editions du CNRS, série L’Homme-trace tome 1, 409 pages.
  2. GALINON-MELENEC, B., (2013), « Des signes-traces à l’Homme-trace. La production et l’interprétation des traces placées dans une perspective anthropologique », dans Mille A. (dir.), De la trace à la connaissance à l'ère du web », Intellectica, 2013/1, n°59, pp. 89-113.
  3. GALINON-MELENEC, B., (2013), Expérience incarnée, construction cognitive et jugement : Le rôle des « signes-traces » du corps dans la signification" dans Boutaud JJ, Berthelot-Guiet K., (dir.), "La vie des signes au sein de la communication: vers une sémiotique communicationnelle" Revue Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, 2013. (Summary in French and in English on line here)
  4. GALINON-MELENEC, B., L'Homme-Trace - Des traces du corps au corps-trace, CNRS Editions, 2017, 415 p.
  5. GALINON-MELENEC, B., « Homme-trace » et « signes-traces », deux paradigmes français à l’épreuve des faits., Rouen, Klog Editions, 2012, 125 p

9.2 Identifying the notion of trace

[edit | edit source]
  1. DERRIDA J., De la grammatologie, Paris, Minuit, 1967.
  2. JEANNERET Y. (2011) Complexité de la notion de trace. De la traque au tracé, in Galinon-Mélénec B. (dir.), L’Homme-trace, CNRS éditions, Tome 1, pp 59-86.
  3. DAVALLON J., JEANNERET Y., FLON E., TARDY C., « Traces d’écritures, traces de pratiques, traces d’identités », in actes du colloque international h2ptm’09. Paris : Hermès-Lavoisier, 2009.
  4. GINZBURG C., « Traces. Racines d’un paradigme judiciaire », dans Carlon Ginzburg, Mythes, emblèmes, traces. Morphologie et Histoire, Paris, Flammarion, 1989, p.139-180.
  5. MILLE A. (dir.) (2013), De la trace à la connaissance à l’ère du Web Intellectica, n° 59,
  6. LELEU-MERVIEL S. (2013) « Traces, information et construits de sens. Déploiement de la trace visuelle de la rétention indicielle à l’écriture » dans Mille A. (dir.), De la trace à la connaissance à l'ère du web », Intellectica, 2013/1, n°59
  7. MERZEAU L. (2013) « L’intelligence des traces » dans dans Mille A. (dir.), De la trace à la connaissance à l'ère du web », Intellectica, 2013/1, n°59.
  8. MERZEAU L. « Du signe à la trace : L’information sur mesure » « Traçabilité et réseaux », Hermès, n° 53, 2009, p. 22-29.
  9. GALINON-MELENEC B. (2011), L’universalité de la trace. Le XXIe siècle, siècle de la trace ? in L’Homme-trace, CNRS édition, tome 1, pp 30-55.

9.3 Anthropological prospect (in 2011)

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  1. WINKIN Y. (2017) Brulures fertiles : traces mnésiques et travail ethnographique dans GALINON-MELENEC, B., L'Homme-Trace - Des traces du corps au corps-trace, CNRS Editions, pp. 183-198.
  2. BERNARDOT M. (2011), À la recherche des sans trace : cultures, espaces et citoyennetés in Galinon-Mélénec, B. (dir.), L'Homme trace, Editions du CNRS, pp. 331-347.
  3. BOUTAUD JJ. DUFOUR S. (2011), L’indicible et l’indiciel : empreinte gustative et trace figurative citoyennetés in Galinon-Mélénec, B. (dir.), L'Homme trace, Editions du CNRS, pp 151-169.
  4. GALINON-MELENEC B. (2011), Fragments théoriques du signe-trace. Propos sur le corps communicant in L’Homme-trace tome 1, pp 191-212.
  5. GALINON-MELENEC B. (2011), « Prolégomènes illustrés de la trace, l'exemple du 20 juillet 1969 », in L’Homme-trace tome 1, pp 15-30.
  6. GALINON-MELENEC B., (2011), « Du diagnostic médical au diagnostic social : approche systémique sur rôle de l’interaction des signes-traces », in Galinon-Mélénec B. (dir.), L'Homme trace, Perspectives anthropologiques des traces contemporaines, Paris, Editions du CNRS, pp. 171-191.
  7. GAUTHIER G. (2011), Les distinctions honorifiques en tant que traces institutionnelles. in L'Homme trace, Tome 1, Editions du CNRS, pp. 289-303.
  8. GRAMACCIA G. (2011), Les institutions de la médiation symbolique en quête de l’homme-trace in Galinon-Mélénec B. (dir.), L'Homme trace, CNRS éditions, pp. 273-.287.
  9. LEPASTOUREL N & TESTE B. (2011) Traces langagières en psychologie sociale de la communication, in Galinon-Mélénec B. (dir.), L’Homme-trace, CNRS éditions, Tome 1, pp 127-147.
  10. LESOURD M. (2011), Traces coloniales. Le « Blanc » et « l'Indigène », regards-traces croisés dans la mondialisation. in Galinon-Mélénec, B. (dir.), L'Homme trace, CNRS éditions, pp.305-329.
  11. MARTIN-JUCHAT F. et JULIEN P.(2011), Facebook et les sites de socialisation : une surveillance librement consentie in Galinon-Mélénec, B. (dir.), L'Homme trace, CNRS éditions, pp. 105-126.
  12. MONSEIGNE A. (2011) L’homme interactionniste en politique in Galinon-Mélénec B (dir.), L’Homme-trace, CNRS éditions, Tome 1, pp 213-231..
  13. NU (groupe NU) (2011), Les interactions homme-machine : la trace en perspective in Galinon-Mélénec B. (dir.), L’Homme-trace, CNRS éditions, Tome 1, pp 87-103.
  14. PAPILLOUD CH. (2011) L’intégration sociale par la traçabilité, in Galinon-Mélénec B. (dir.), L’Homme-trace, CNRS éditions, Tome 1, pp 233-245
  15. STECK B. (2011) Flux et territoires : de la trace à la marque, une question de distance. in Galinon-Mélénec B. (dir.), L’Homme-trace, CNRS éditions, Tome 1, pp 249 -271.

9.4 Digital Traces: from production to interpretation (in 2012)

[edit | edit source]
  1. BERTELLE C., OLIVIER D., « Traces du corps et intelligence collective : les fourmis sont-elles plus intelligentes que les informaticiens ? » dans Galinon-Mélénec B., (dir.), L’Homme trace. Des traces du corps au corps-trace, Paris, CNRS éditions, série L’Homme trace tome IV, 2017, pp. 111-124.
  2. COINTET J.-PH., « Mapping Knowledge Communities Dynamics from their digital traces », colloque Cartographie des traces, le Havre, le 20 décembre 2012.
  3. COLLOC J., BONNENFANT M., « Des traces humaines dans le Big Data : du diagnostic médical à la traduction machinique du corps dans Galinon-Mélénec B., (dir.), L’Homme trace. Des traces du corps au corps-trace, Paris, CNRS éditions, série L’Homme trace tome IV, 2017, pp. 85-110.
  4. LELEU-Merviel S., «  Body tracking : la traque du corps, des saisies aux traces » dans Galinon-Mélénec B., (dir.), L’Homme trace. Des traces du corps au corps-trace, Paris, CNRS éditions, série L’Homme trace tome IV, 2017, pp. 69-84.
  5. LELEU-MERVIEL S., « De la trace d’interaction à la communication numérique », dans Galinon-Mélénec B., Liénard F., Zlitni S., L’Homme-trace. Inscriptions corporelles et techniques, Paris, CNRS éditions, série L’Homme trace tome III, 2015. pp 217-230.
  6. LELEU-Merviel S., « Traces, information et construits de sens. Déploiement de la trace visuelle de la rétention indicielle à l’écriture », dans Alain Mille (dir.), De la trace à la connaissance à l’ère du web, Intellectica, 2013/1, n°59, p. 65-88.
  7. LELEU-MERVIEL S., La traque informationnelle, ISTE, 2017.
  8. MILLE A., (dir.), « De la trace à la connaissance à l’ère du Web », Intellectica, n° 59, 2013.
  9. DULA D. (2013), Traces d’absence et TIC. Usages des diasporas emploi in Digital traces from production to interpretation, PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 77-90.
  10. DELAMOTTE E. (2013), Traces, corpus, cartographies. Réflexions sur les dispositifs de documentarisation de l’humain cognitive in Digital traces from production to interpretation , PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 167-177.
  11. GALINON-MELENEC B. (2013), Le numérique, entre innovations et risques Jeux, insertion sociale, diversité humaine, emploi in Digital traces from production to interpretation, PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 55-75.
  12. GALINON-MELENEC B. (2013), Numérique, plasticité psychique et insertion. Une piste pour les Digital natives schizophrènes ? in Digital traces from production to interpretation , PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 179-212
  13. GALINON-MELENEC B. ZLITNI S. (2013), L’Homme-trace, producteur de traces numériques in Digital traces from production to interpretation , PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp 7-20.
  14. HOLZEM MY., SAIDALI Y., LABICHE J., GROUPE NU, (2013), Des traces numériques pour une appropriation cognitive in Digital traces from production to interpretation , PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 147-165.
  15. JEANNERET Y. (2013), Les chimères cartographiques sur l’Internet. Panoplie représentationnelle de la « traçabilité » sociale in Digital traces from production to interpretation, PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 235-267.
  16. LE CROSNIER H.(2013), Usage des traces par la publicité comportementale emploi in Digital traces from production to interpretation, PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 91-109.
  17. MERZEAU L.(2013), Traces numériques et recrutement : du symptôme au cheminement in Digital traces from production to interpretation, PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, pp. 35-54.
  18. MILLE A.(2013), Traces numériques et construction de sens emploi in digital traces from production to interpretation, PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 111-128.
  19. OLLAGNIER-BELDAME M.(2013), Interagir dans un monde de plus en plus réflexif : Processus cognitifs et traces numériques – mémoire, interprétation et rapport au temps emploi in Digital traces from production to interpretation , PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 129-146.
  20. PERRIAULT J.(2013), Protection des identités numériques personnelles : des futurs incertains in Digital traces from production to interpretation , PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 23-34.
  21. PIPONNIER A.(2009), L'individu est-il soluble dans le projet? Trace(s) de soi et effacement de soi dans la communication de projet, Bordeaux, Communication & Organisation, n°36, pp.123-134.
  22. SOUCHIER E.(2013), Voir le Web et deviner le monde. La « cartographie » au risque de l’histoire de l’écriture in Digital traces from production to interpretation, PARIS, CNRS EDITIONS, SERIE HUMAN-TRACE, TOME 2, pp. 213-234.

9.5 Traces and psychoanalysis (non exhaustive list)

[edit | edit source]
  1. ASSOUN P-L (1993), Traces : Introduction à la métapsychologie freudienne", parue aux PUF, seconde édition en 2014.
  2. ASSOUN P-L (2001), Le mouvement et la trace. “L’inconscient moteur”, in "La Trace: Résonances” ,Actes du XIVe colloque de thérapie psychomotrice, p.185-192 Paris 9-10-11 mars 2001,
  3. ASSOUN P-L. (2004), Corps et symptôme.Leçons de psychanalyse, Anthropos/Economica, 2E ED., 332 P.
  4. ASSOUN P-L. (2005), Précarité du sujet, objet de la demande. Préjudice et précarité à l’épreuve de la psychanalyse », in « Précarité, exclusion, abandon », Cliniques méditerranéennes n°72, 2005, pp.7-16
  5. ASSOUN P-L. ZAFIROPOULOS, M. (2007), « Corps tracé et inconscient de la trace », in « Corps normalisé, corps stigmatisé, corps racialisé », sous la direction de Gilles Boëtsch, Christian Hervé et Jacques J. Rozenberg, De Boeck, pp.185-198
  6. ASSOUN P-L (2017) Trace du corps et inconscient de la trace. De la métapsychologie à l’anthropologie dans GALINON-MELENEC, B., L'Homme-Trace - Des traces du corps au corps-trace, CNRS Editions, 2017, pp. 157-182
  7. BRANCHU C. Archéo-analyse de l'oeuvre : Le Petit Prince : l'écriture d'un secret ou la trace secrète d'une écriture hiéroglyphique, Psychologie, Thèse, 2011, CRISES - Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Sciences humaines et Sociales de Montpellier
  8. CHABAUD F. La fonction analytique. Freud, Jung, Lacan: Approche transdisciplinaire, Philosophie, Thèse, Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en sciences humaines et sociales de Montpellier, 2012
  9. ZAPATA-REINERT L. Esthétique du symptôme : quand la trace se fait désir in Les Cahiers du CEIMA, Centre d'études interdisciplinaires du monde anglophone 2013, Trace humain, 9, pp.67-77

9.6 Others (non exhaustive list)

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  1. PARRET H. (2017), Une sémiotique des traces. Trois leçons sur la mémoire et l’oubli, Limoges, Lambert-Lucas, coll. Le Discours philosophique, 2017, 74 p.
  2. MOLINA, M. et alii, (2017), « La sensibilité des nourrissons aux signes-traces gestuels et prosodiques de la communication adulte » dans GALINON-MELENEC, B., L'Homme-Trace - Des traces du corps au corps-trace, CNRS Editions, 2017, pp. 219-232.
  3. THOMAS-VASLIN V. (2017), Le rôle des traces dans le système immunitaire : des anticorps au corps. Dans GALINON-MELENEC, B., L'Homme-Trace - Des traces du corps au corps-trace, CNRS Editions, 2017, pp. 255- 296.
  4. ARNAUD M., MERZEAU L. (Dir.) « Traçabilité et réseaux », Hermès, n° 53, 2009.
  5. BARTHES R. La chambre claire, dans Œuvres complètes, vol. 5, p. 785-891, Paris, Seuil, 2002 [1ère éd.1980].
  6. BAUTIER R. « Les réseaux de l’internet : des artefacts bien (trop) vivants », Les enjeux de l’information et de la communication, 2007 (Article online in French: http://lesenjeux.u-grenoble3.fr/2007-meotic/Bautier/index.html)
  7. BERTHOZ A. (dir.) Leçons sur le corps, le cerveau et l’esprit, Paris, Odile Jacob, 1999.
  8. BERQUE A. Milieu, co-suscitation, désastres naturels et humains, Ebisu, n°47, p 41-48.
  9. BOUTAUD J.-J., VERON E. Sémiotique ouverte : itinéraires sémiotiques en communication, Paris, Hermès-Lavoisier, 2007.
  10. BROCCHINI I. Trace et disparition dans l'oeuvre de Walter Benjamin Thèse de doctorat en Philosophie Soutenue en 2005 à Paris 1.
  11. CHUI CHOI, Trace, espace et ombre de la machine Thèse de doctorat en Arts et sciences de l'art. Art plastiques, Soutenue en 2008 à Paris 1.
  12. DARRAS V. El abandono y los vestigios dejados por el tiempo. Trace, 2003, pp. 3-10.
  13. DAVALLON J., NOËL-CADET N., BROCHU D. « L’usage dans le texte : les ‘traces d’usage’ du site Gallica », dans Emmanuël SOUCHIER, Yves JEANNERET, Joelle LE MAREC, (dir.) Lire, écrire, récrire : objets, signes et pratiques des médias informatisés, Paris, Éditions de la BPI, 2003, p. 45-90.
  14. DELEUZE G. Pourparlers, Paris, Minuit, 1990.
  15. DERANSART P. (2013) « De l’objet trace en génie logiciel » in Intellectica, 2013/1, n°59
  16. DERRIDA J., BENNINGTON G. Jacques Derrida, Circonfessions, Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1991.
  17. DESCOLA Ph. Par delà nature et culture, Paris Gallimard, 2005.
  18. DULA D. «Mimesis de l’écran. Quand le contenu est sa propre représentation », in Lancien T. (dir) Ecrans et médias, Médiation et Information (MEI) n° 34. Paris: L’Harmattan. 2012. 222 p.
  19. ERTZSCHEID O. « L’Homme, un document comme les autres », « Traçabilité et réseaux », Hermès, n° 53, 2009, p. 33-39.
  20. ERTZSCHEID O., GALLEZOT G., SIMONNOT B. A la recherche de la "mémoire" du web : sédiments, traces et temporalités des documents en ligne. Dans Manuel d'analyse du Web (2013) 53-68 [sic_00804245 - version 1] Cf. abstract in English http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/
  21. FABBRI P. Le tournant sémiotique, Paris, Hermès-Lavoisier, 2008 [1ère éd. 1998].
  22. FERRY J-M. « Le paradigme indiciaire », dans Denis THOUARD, (dir.) L’interprétation des indices : enquête sur le paradigme indiciaire avec Carlo Ginzburg, Lille, Presses du septentrion, 2007, p. 91-102.
  23. FONTANILLE J. OUELLET P., Signification et sensation, Limoges, PULIM, 1992.
  24. GALINON MELENEC B., MONSEIGNE A. (2011), "La sémiotique des 'signes-traces' appliquée au recrutement : Le cas de la recherche du 'bon candidat' via les traces numériques" in Catellani A. et Versel M. (dir.), Les applications de la sémiotique à la communication des organisations, Communication & organisation, n° 39, juin 2011, pp. 111-123.
  25. GALINON-MELENEC B.(2012), "Le numérique : de l'usage aux traces, du fantasme au doute ou au cauchemar" in Denoit N. (dir.) L'imaginaire et la représentations des TIC dans la société.
  26. GALINON-MELENEC B., MARTIN-JUCHAT F. (à paraître) Du « genre » social au « genre » incorporé : Le « corps genré » des SIC in Bernard F. Loneux C. (dir.), Recherches au féminin en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, Revue Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, 2013 (à paraître).
  27. GALINON-MELENEC B., ZLITNI S. (dir.) (2013), Traces numériques. De la production à l’interprétation, Paris, Editions du CNRS, série L’Homme-trace tome 2, 274 pages.
  28. GALINON-MELENEC B. « Homme-trace » et « signes-traces », deux nouveaux paradigmes français à l’épreuve des faits. Handicap psychique et recrutement, Tome 2 Rouen, Klog éditions, 2012, 110 pages.
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The authors do not always use the term “trace” in the same way, but all traces produced by Humans are detected as a result of permanent interactive processes. Research progressively led us to develop the anthropological figure of the Human-trace (hyphenated). This new designation of what fundamentally constitutes the human condition aims to raise awareness of the fact that Man is by nature a “Human-trace”. The distance thus created by the contemporary questions on traceability introduces a necessary relativity vis-à-vis the fears of a new century that tends not to resitute the consequences of the appearance of new tools in the context of the knowledge of human history. The Human-trace paradigm offers the opportunity to emerge from customary divisions (innate/acquired, individual/milieu) and from reasoning that posits subject and object as independent entities. The paradigm opens up the contemporary western human and social sciences to different logics. The Human-trace is not taken from its surroundings, nor is it more generally from the environment. The Human-trace is in a set of multi-level interactions where nothing is discontinuous. The Human-trace is incorporated into a complex system where identified and designated elements function like the “cauliflower” of fractal theory, pars pro toto.

General definition of the Human-Trace

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The Human-trace is both a “producer of traces” and a “product of traces”. Both dimensions function as feedback in mutual and permanent interactions and constitute a continuous system of interrelations. Trace and imprint in “Human-Trace paradigm”[edit] People most often ask about the difference between trace and imprint. It is therefore important to make it clear that we distinguish between the concept of trace and that of imprint in terms of degree. The origin of the term “imprint” comes from the verb “to impress on” (1213), from the Latin impremere, meaning “to press”. Its meaning is first and foremost (1250) “to mark by applying pressure to a surface”. The term “trace” has more varied uses enabling it to include the infinitesimal or even the invisible. Homeopathy, for example, is an alternative medicine founded on successive dilutions that render original molecules undetectable by modern science without actually interrupting their effects that endure complex processes. We speculate on the existence of certain traces even though they might not currently be visible, understandable or subject to interpretation. These traces simply provide evidence that Man is limited in his ability to see, understand and interpret them. We decided to keep the term trace for its greater degree of generality and nuance, and have therefore introduced the term “sign-trace”. The term “trace” refers to the past processes from which it originates, so by renaming it as “sign-trace” we hope to convey the fact that the processes continue and integrate its observation and interpretation. For more information, see the summary in French: http://netcom.revues.org/1554 article: The future of the "Homme-trace" A substantial societal challenge, Netcom, 28-1/2 (2014).

Communication and simplexity: the "sign-traces paradigm”; new anthroposemiotics, between complexity and simplicity

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From a scientific perspective, the term “communication” is also one whose meaning varies according to the discipline. This polysemy is an obstacle to interdisciplinary research. Scholars in the humanities and the social sciences (law, political science, economics, management, linguistics, literary studies, education, sociology, anthropology, history, geography, psychology, cognitive science, to name just a few) who are committed to a cognitive approach for a better understanding of communicational processes should, in our view, enter into an epistemological negotiation in order to gain a better grasp of its complexity. In order to serve the practices of those involved, they must also accept a simplification of this complexity. The sign-trace paradigm that we are proposing falls into this perspective. Conceived in a logic of interactions and connections, the sign-trace paradigm must be understood by incorporating multi-scale systems produced by history, not only an individual’s personal history but also that of the living and non-living environment with which the individual interacts. The paradigm of Human-trace is associated with a specific conception of human communication, defined as an interaction of "sign-traces”. In this context, interpretation is neither on the emitter’s side nor on the receiver’s side but in-between interaction of sign-traces. The type of communication follows from the relation. The relation follows from a system of interactions of sign-traces. This explains the communication in complementary relationships between complexity and simplicity: in simplexity. This establishes new anthroposemiotics.

Limits of Rationality in the Face of Complexity

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Each and every human being, finding himself in a several millennia-old history and in a multidimensional space, is both a producer of traces and the product of individual and social history – his own and that of the generations that preceded him. Reflected by the real, the intertwined sign-traces that form him are so complex that human reason does not allow for them to be completely defined.


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11.1 Ambassadors 2015

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University of Newcastle:

Université de Liège:

Université Laval à Québec:

Université de Québec à Montréal :

Korea university (Séoul):

Università degli Studi di Torino:


TIM LR12ES06, Medicine Monastir:

University of Massachusetts:

University of Georgia:

University of Arizona:

11.2 Names of scientific committee members

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University of Massachusetts, USA
UNESCO Chair in Communication for Sustainable Social Change.
Web site

  • Pr. Bertrand CABEDOCHE

Professor responsible UNESCO Chair International Communication and UniTwin ORBICOM UNESCO.
Professor of Information Science and Communication, France, Grenoble 3 Stendhal University, researcher at GRESEC, head of UNESCO Chair International Communication and ORBICOM UNESCO.
Biography in French

  • Pr. Anne Marie LAULAN

Professor of Sociology, Chair of French Liaison Committee of MOST (social sciences, UNESCO). It is a partner of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie and particularly following the training records of ICT in developing countries. As she participated in the SMSI preparatory process.
Biography in French

  • Pr. Yves JEANNERET

Professor of information science and communication. Responsible for the Chair Innovation and entrepreneurship in the communications and media, he co-leads with Emmanuël Souchier journal Communication & languages and directs the collection Communication, mediation and social constructs Hermès-Lavoisier. It is at the office of Franco-Brazilian Mediations and social uses of knowledge and information (MUSSI) and that of multidisciplinary Thematic Network "Visual Studies" (CNRS).
Biography in French

  • Pr. Yves WINKIN

Belgian professor of communications, author of Anthropologie de la communication : de la théorie au terrain, Bruxelles, Éditions De Boeck Université ; 1996. Partial translation in Portuguese (Campinas, Papirus Editora, 1999). New completely redesigned Éditions du Seuil, collection "Points" edition, No. 448, 332 pages, February 2001.
Biography in French

  • Pr. Jacques PERRIAULT

Professor of information science and communication. He chaired the Commission AFNOR "Computer Aids for access to online knowledge."
Biography in French

  • Pr. Paul Laurent ASSOUN

Professor of psychoanalysis at Jussieu, Paris 7, France is now director of the Philosophy collection Presses Universitaires de France, Psychoanalysis and social practices in Anthropos / Economica and member of the editorial board of la revue de psychanalyse penser/rêver (éditions de l'Olivier).
He is also "Practitioner analyst."
Biography in French

  • Pr. Sung Do KIM

Inha University, Incheon, S. Korea
Professeur de sémiotique et de culturologie, in the department of linguistics, College of liberal Arts.

11.3 Initial contacts for laboratory projects

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Team TRACES (UNIVERSITÉ DU HAVRE/PARIS IV SORBONNE/PARIS X/ LYON/VALENCIENNES/FRANCE). Contacts: Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec, Yves Jeanneret, Alain Mille, Sylvie Merviel, Louise Merzeau

Team COREMT (NORMANDIE-FRANCE/TUNISIE/USA/AUSTRALIE). Contacts: Joël Colloc, Med Hedi Bedoui, Jaronson, Michèle Molina

Team TRACES-NUM (UNIVERSITÉ DU HAVRE/NORMANDIE/FRANCE). Contacts: Sami Zlitni, Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec

Team COM-ELECT (UNIVERSITÉ DU HAVRE and ROUEN/NORMANDIE/FRANCE). Contacts: Fabien Liénard, Foued Laroussi

Team MEMORY HERITAGE AND COMMUNICATION (NICE/FRANCE-ROUMANIE). Contacts: Paul Rasse, Linda Idjeraoui-Ravez, Pelissier, Ioan Dragan Team TRACK (LYON/VALENCIENNES/FRANCE). Contacts: Alain Mille, Antoine Champin, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel

Team BODY'S TRACES (PARIS-V Sorbonne, Normandie Université, FRANCE/BRESIL). Contacts: Bernard Andrieu, Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec.

Team GEOTRACECOMPLEX (ROUEN-Le HAVRE/NORMANDIE/FRANCE). Contacts: Bernard Elissalde, Françoise Lucchini

Team HERISCRIPT/ HERITage/SCRIPt/Traces (VALENCIENNES/NORD/FRANCE). Contacts: Sylvie Merviel, Hafida Boulekbache


Team AREMT (BORDEAUX 3/FRANCE). Contacts: Bernard Lafargue, Croce Cécile

Team TRACTTEMED (MARSEILLE/FRANCE). Contact: Françoise Bernard

Team THE TRACES OF HOMO LUDENS (FRANCE/CANADA). Contacts: Bonenfant Maude, Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec


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12.1. Team TRACES-NUM/Team COM-ELECT 2018

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  • 5th International Conference Social Networks Digital Traces Electronic Communication
  • Website (in English): [1]


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  • 5th HyperHeritage International Symposium
  • (university of constantine3, DeVisu-UVHC, DHD-universiy Paris8, CREATIC)
  • Website (in English): [2]

12.3. Team CONSUMER'S TRACES 2017

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  • My robot, my family and me
  • Website (in french):[3]

12.4. Team TRACES 2018

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